5050 Book Launch

The 5050 Group

invites you to the launch of our book

The Road to 50/50 – Gender Quotas for Ireland

Speeches from the Dáil and Seanad
To be launched by

Minister Phil Hogan, TD
Minister for Environment, Community & Local Government

European Parliament, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
 Tuesday, 18th  December 2012
 6.45pm – 9pm

RSVP : rsvp@5050-group.com
Refreshments will be served.

Books on sale for 5 euros each.

We are delighted to have brought this project to completion. We hope everyone will come along to share in this celebration of a wonderful achievement. Implementing gender quotas at candidate selection is the next task and it is worth reminding ourselves what our parliamentarians had to say on the subject.

Date for your Diary – Tuesday 20th November 2012

5050 Kerry

Tuesday, 20th November at 7.30pm


Institute of Technology, Tralee

5050 Kerry is holding a public meeting around the issue of greater female participation in electoral politics  If you are in the vicinity we would be delighted to meet you.  Further information from Caroline Fleming.