Twitter Addresses for “How to elect more women” Conference

This blogpost contains a list of  Twitter names of people speaking at the Conference. [See below]

You can add your name to the list below by posting a comment.

The Conference in Dublin Castle on Friday is now full,  ‘sold-out’…[300+ attending]. Many citizens, who can’t be there, will be keen to hear about proceedings on the day – as it happens, rather than wait for press reports.

Twitter is now more important than ever.
It enables people outside the Conference to be informed & to comment on what’s going on. Twitter helps people feel involved & to feel “ownership” of the event. Twitter helps build movements for change. [The 50:50 Group is active on Twitter]

To help those who wish to…

  • tweet from the Conference
  • tweet to Conference attendees
  • tweet comments about the Conference all over the world
  • even gather all related tweets together for publication later.
Here’s a Twitter list I put together…
(Those marked with  * are live  current accounts, with apologies for any mistakes.  Those without a Twitter address have been included – in case they really do tweet.)

@kathleenlynchTD  Minister Kathleen Lynch 

Department of Justice & Equality

European Social Fund

Dublin Castle

Olivia O’Leary

@alanshatterTD  Minister Alan Shatter

Ms Ajla Van Heel, Gender Officer OSCE ODIHR

@osce_odihr  * OSCE ODIHR

@nansloane  Ms Nan Sloane

@cfwd  * Centre for Women & Democracy

@marywhiteGRN Mary White, former Minister for Equality

@claire_mcging * Claire McGing, NUI Maynooth, 50:50 Group

@ivanabacik  * Senator Ivana Bacik

Susan McKay, CEO NWCI

@nwci  National Women’s Council of Ireland

Deputy Catherine Byrne, Fine Gael;

@sinnfeinwomen  Deputy Sandra McLellan, Sinn Féin;

@cathmurphyTD * Deputy Catherine Murphy, Independent;

Senator Averil Power, Fianna Fáil;

Councillor Jane Dillon Byrne, Labour;

@finegaeltoday  * Tom Curran, General Secretary, Fine Gael;

@labour  * Ms Ita McAuliffe, General Secretary, Labour Party;

@fiannafailparty  * Seán Dorgan, General Secretary, Fianna Fáil;

@pb4p *  Ms Ailbhe Smyth, ‘People Before Profit Alliance’.

@endakennyTD Taoiseach & Leader of Fine Gael, Enda Kenny

Tánaiste & Leader of Labour Party, Eamon Gilmore

@michealmartinTD  Leader of Fianna Fáil, Micheál Martin

@eamonryan  * Leader of the Green Party, Eamon Ryan

Gender Equality Division, Department of Justice & Equality

@the5050group   * The 50:50 Group

Others who have publicly tweeted that they’ll be at Conference, include:

@carolmhunt *Carol Hunt

@barbarascully  * Barbara Scully

@margareteward  * Margaret E Ward

@mammisammi  * Samantha Long

@sinchul Sinead Ni Chulachain

@playcock *Paul Laycock



Please add your name to the list of Conference attendees by leaving a Comment here – with your Twitter address

– I’ll add your name to the list.


“We Need Candidate Gender Quotas For Local Elections” – says Gemma Hussey

Hussey calls for Candidate Gender Quota for Local Elections

Speaking at the Launch of the 50:50 Group in the North West on Monday 16th January at Clarion Hotel, Sligo,

Gemma Hussey* said

Since its foundation in the autumn of 2010, the 50:50 group has caught the imagination of women across Ireland.

Groups are springing  up all over the country,  showing the frustration women feel at the virtual exclusion of women from national politics.

I am delighted to be here to launch the arrival of the North West 5050 Group.

Government has promised legislation to ensure a minimum of 30%  of either gender as candidates for the next general election.  That is welcome in itself, as a recognition that Irish governments, like governments in enlightened countries across the world, have a central role in correcting  the imbalance.

But the next general election is many years away. The local elections will be held in 2014.

We know local government is the nursery for future TD’s & Senators.  So it is essential everything possible is done to bring women into local government next year.

The most important step is therefore to strengthen the legislation at this stage to bring forward the quota for the local elections.

With energy and determination, this can be done.  Importantly, it would have the support of Opposition parties since Fianna Fail have already announce their intention to introduce their own kind of gender quotas for the local elections. 

I call on 50:50 all over Ireland to launch an energetic campaign to achieve this important aim.

Lobby the Minister, lobby the Parties, lobby local TD’s & Senators.  Above all,  continue the eloquent & effective use of all kinds of media to bring the message to women all over Ireland:

It is time now to introduce this real political reform for the future of Ireland’s politics. It does not need the Troika’s permission, it does not cost money, but it is centrally important for re-building this broken country. 

Congratulations to the women of the North-West for their initiative in getting this group going.  I look forward with optimism to a great new future for Ireland.

* Gemma Hussey is former Senator, T.D. & Minister for Education. She was a founder member of the Women’s Political Association. [This link has been added to the Press Release by 50:50 Blog Editor-on-Line]