5050 meeting in Letterkenny, Friday 15th November 2013


5050 NORTH WEST invites you to
 ‘Meet and chat with your female politicians’
Date:   Friday 15th November 2013
Time:   10.30am to 1.00pm,
Venue:   Cheshire Appartments, Long Lane, Letterkenny 
With the local elections in May 2014, this informal meeting will be a great opportunity for potential/selected candidates and women interested in politics  to talk directly to politicians, learn more about how it works, what is involved in running in local elections and supporting candidates.
Speakers include:
 Former Tanaiste, Mary Coughlan, MEP Marian Harkin and Senator Susan O’Keeffe with
Donegal County Councillors:  Rena Donaghy, Cora Harvey and Marie Therese Gallagher together with Siobhan McLaughlin and Marie Hainsworth

  • Donegal has no female TD’s in the current 31st Dáil.
  • Only two women TD’s have represented Donegal since the 1st Dáil in 1918:-  Mary Coughlan, 1987 to 2011 and Cecilia Keaveney, 1996 to 2007.
  • Only 3 councillors on Donegal County Council out of  a total of 29 councillors are women.
Please come and join us and let other people know about this important event.
For further information  contact Finola  0749722790 or  Agatha 0873881238,
NCCWN-Donegal Women’s Network, 6 Tír Chonaill Street, Donegal Town.
“The 5050 Group aims to encourage debate, conversation, discussion and argument about the need for more women in politics”
5050 is a single issue national advocacy group dedicated to achieving gender balanced representation in Irish politics. It is open to men and women to join. Visit:  5050-group.com/blog/
The 5050 North West group comprises of women from Donegal/Sligo/Leitrim and the National Collective of Community Based Women’s Networks (NCCWN) – North Leitrim Women’s Centre and NCCWN – Donegal Women’s Network.