5050 Book Launch in the North West

The NORTH WEST branch of the 5050 Group invites you to the launch of our book

 ‘The Road to 50/50 – Gender Quotas for Ireland’

 Launch by
Justine McCarthy
Sunday Times columnist and currently National Newspapers of Ireland columnist of the year and adjunct professor of journalism at the University of Limerick

Tuesday, 9th April 2013
North Leitrim Women’s Centre, Manorhamilton
6.45 pm – 8.45 pm

 Other speakers include:

Senator Susan O’Keeffe

 Fiona Buckley
Co-founder 5050, Dept. of Government, UCC

 This event will also incorporate the launch of a collective between North Leitrim Women’s Centre and Donegal Women’s Network.

Light refreshments will be served.
Further information contact:
North Leitrim Women’s Centre: 07198-56220
Donegal Women’s Network:   07497- 22790

5050 Group and the Constitutional Convention

Many thanks to Fiona Buckley who, on behalf of 5050 spent last weekend, 16 and 17 February, making an important contribution to the work of the Constitutional Convention.  Fiona had been invited to represent 5050 by making a verbal submission on women in politics.

During Fiona’s verbal evidence she outlined the severe under representation of women in irish politics.

She went on to outline what measures  can be undertaken to improve the numbers of women in parliament.  She drew on international research to demonstrate how quotas have worked in other countries.

In terms of what the Constitutional Convention can do from here, Fiona recommended amending Art. 41.2 so that men and women have equal responsibilty for Care in our society and that the language of the Constitution is changed to more gender neutral language.

The vote at the end of the session found that 97% of the people present were in favour of more government actions on improving the numbers of women in politics.

Your can read the 5050 Group’s written submission here.