The 5050 group at the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis this weekend

The 5050 group is at the Fianna Fail Ard Dheis this weekend. We have been getting some very positive feedback and support. We are also getting the anti arguments which I’d like to deal with if I may.

Quotas are undemocratic – What about the geographical quotas that already exist. Is anyone suggesting that TDs should all be from Dublin – it would save on the mileage expenses!

Quotas work against merit – as Leo Varadker commented on Marian Finucane radio programme a couple of Sundays ago – if getting elected was based solely on merit there wouldn’t be only 15% women in the Dail.

Quotas are an easy way out – The whole point is that women don’t face a level playing field when it comes to participating in politics. Candidate selection quotas are a means of helping women overcome the extra barriers that men don’t face.

There are more important issues – That is a value judgement. I think its a fundamentally important issue. Our Dail needs to be reflective of Irish society and the most glaring gap is based around gender.

There are no barriers for women – This criticism often comes from young women. The evidence is there in the literature – Caring, culture, confidence, cash and candidate selection. Caring is very much seen as a female role and very good we are at it too. Ask Olwyn Enright and Mildred Fox who both left politics citing childcare as the reason. However if equality means anything then we need to be at the decision making table.

Women aren’t suited to Politics – ultimately that is saying that women aren’t equal to men when it comes to decision making.

Women don’t want to be involved in politics – Perhaps that view is reflective of the onerous job that politics has become. Very anti – family. This is a chicken and egg situation. Women can’t do politics because of their caring role and that caring role won’t change unless women do politics – so which comes first?

Thanks to all those who do support a more gender balanced Dail.

Seanad Eireann Committee discusses Gender Quotas today


(1) Senators Fiach Mac Conghail, Jillian van Turnhout, Mary Ann O’Brien, Marie-Louise O’Donnell, Martin McAleese, Katherine Zappone  propose this change to the Gender Quota Bill:

delete “30%” & substitute “40%”.

(2) Senators Fiach MacConghail, Jillian van Turnhout, Mary Ann O’Brien, Marie-Louise O’Donnell, Martin McAleese, Katherine Zappone propose :

delete “general election” & substitute  “general election, Seanad Éireann or local elections”.

(3) Senators Averil Power, Thomas Byrne, Mark Daly, Terry Leyden, Marc MacSharry, Paschal Mooney, Darragh O’Brien, Brian Ó Domhnaill, Denis O’Donovan, Labhrás Ó Murchú, Ned O’Sullivan, Jim Walsh, Mary M. White, Diarmuid Wilson propose :

Once number of women elected to Dáil reaches at least 40% of total number of TDs elected in one general election, 
remains at that level following next 2 general elections,

gender related criteria for State funding to political parties shall no longer apply to general elections to Dáil