Susan O’Keeffe GE16 Candidate

Susan OKeeffeThe 5050 Group in the North West sent out a series of questions relating to women’s equal representation to the 2016 General Election Candidates in Donegal and Sligo-Leitrim.

Below are the questions with the candidate response.

Sligo-Leitrim 2016 General Election Candidate: Susan O’Keeffe, Labour Party




Do you support the 5050 Campaign for equal representation of women and men in Irish Politics?





Please Explain Why?


Half the population of Ireland are women. We need to be represented properly. That’s why I set up 50:50 North West to open the debate about more women in public and political life.
Are you in favour of introducing gender quotas for the 2019 local elections?




Please Explain Why


We will not reach 50:50 representation without quotas in operation. It’s that simple. Once we change the face of politics in Ireland – literally- we can end the quota system.
Would you support an’ A Rural Strategy’ to encourage more women to run for the local elections both as independents and party candidates?




Would you support more women to take up leadership positions within your party, such as chairs and national executive members?




What actions will you take within your party or as an Independent to encourage and support increased female participation in politics?


Labour has a proud tradition of encouraging and supporting women in politics. I have worked hard in government to support the introduction of gender quotas legislation and through setting up 50:50. I have worked hard through 50:50 to encourage and support more women to get involved.


Would you support actions to make the Dáil more ‘family friendly’ by addressing the working hours, formalising maternity leave and considering other arrangements such as proxy voting and teleconferencing?




Please Explain Why Parliament should be fit for the modern age and fit for the way we work. This would support working women and men.