The 5050 Group in the North West sent out a series of questions relating to women’s equal representation to the 2016 General Election Candidates in Donegal and Sligo-Leitrim.
Below are the questions with the candidate responses.
Donegal 2016 General Election Candidate: Cordelia Nic Fhearraigh, Fís Nua
Do you support the 5050 Campaign for equal representation of women and men in Irish Politics?
Please Explain Why
Tá sé tábhachtach go mbíonn dearcaithe mhná curtha san áireamh in achan gné den tsaol nó bíonn súil eile acu ar an tsaol.
Are you in favour of introducing gender quotas for the 2019 local elections?
Please Explain Why
Tá sé i bhfad tharr am don tír seo ‘traidisiúin’ na bhfear a bhriseadh. Is iad na páirtithe a bhí ann ó bunaíodh an stáit, na cinn nach bhfuil ag éirí leo le mná a chuir chun tosaigh. B’fhéidir go bhfuil siad ro-sháite san ‘traidisiúin’?
Would you support an’ A Rural Strategy’ to encourage more women to run for the local elections both as independents and party candidates?
Would you support more women to take up leadership positions within your party, such as chairs and national executive members?
What actions will you take within your party or as an Independent to encourage and support increased female participation in politics?
Tá súil agam go spreagfaidh an beirt ban, a sheas mar iarrthóirí don pháirtí Fís Nua, mná eile chun postanna ceannaireachta a thógáil sa todhchaí.
Would you support actions to make the Dáil more ‘family friendly’ by addressing the working hours, formalising maternity leave and considering other arrangements such as proxy voting and teleconferencing?
Please Explain Why | Níl aitheantas ar bith tugtha do mhná agus na cúramaí teaghlaigh a bhíonn orthu. Ní ghlacaim leis go bhfuil Teach Laighean fóirsteanach mar fhoirgneamh do Dháil Éireann sa chéad úr seo. Tá na deacrachtaí céanna ag mná a bhíonn ag obair go lán-aimseartha san earnáil phríobháideach agus sílim go mba cheart athbhreithniú iomlán a dhéanamh ar an seachtain oibre atá againn sa tír seo. Ba cheart na huaireanta oibre bheith ag laghdú – chan ag méadú.