6-Step action plan to promote gender equality in elected office

Have you ever wanted someone to paint the outline of a journey you were on? Sketch the direction – give you a map… ?  Offer you a route?

Pippa Norris & Mona Lena Krook have written a great roadmap.  It’s very helpful for thinking about changes we need in Ireland – if we are to achieve 50:50 by the year 2020

They suggest a 6-step Action Plan:

Step 1 : Constitutional rights
Guarantee equal rights for women & men, including rights to voting suffrage & candidate nomination.

(Have we fully achieved this? I think the Irish Constitution does this…)

Step 2 : Electoral system
Reform the type of electoral system; PR with large district magnitudes maximizes opportunities for women.

(Big constituencies are better for gender equality – 4 & 5-seaters much better than 3-seaters?)

Step 3 : Capacity development
Strengthen skills & resources of women in pipeline for elected office, with initiatives by parties, media & NGOs, including knowledge networks, mentoring programs, skills training & funding for women candidates.

(Training & mentoring : this is where Women for Election are so important. General Secretaries of political parties too. For media, Women on Air will provide media skills training, publicity & networking opportunities for women – all needed for gender equality.  There may be other valuable resources? What’s being done to fund the development of women candidates?)

Step 4 : Parliamentary reform
Reform rules & internal procedures within parliament, including facilities & working conditions, hours of sitting, principles for leadership recruitment & provision of childcare facilities.

(Oh dear, oh dear… Who invented the rules & procedures of the Oireachtas? The facilities & working conditions etc…?  Certainly our current situation was not designed with gender equality in mind.  There is a mountain of work to do? And maybe a wealth of conversations, debates & arguments to be had?)

Step 5 : Party rules & recruitment procedures
Review internal candidate recruitment processes within each party; adopt fast track strategies in party rulebooks & regulations to achieve gender equality for nominated candidates.

(Political parties have already reviewed their processes. Some are close to conclusions – but the situation is so dominated by men, & change so slow, that gender quotas are now “the only show in town”.
It will be tough for some men who hoped to be selected.  Tough. Hopefully, many decent political men will be persuaded to promote gender equality in practice. Certainly this is the time for many changes within political parties?)

Step 6 : Legal quotas
Review laws regulating candidate recruitment processes for all parties; use of reserved seats for women members, or gender quotas for candidates, generally expand women’s representation

(The Gender Quota Bill will be introduced in the Seanad on Thursday 2 February – in 8 days. Given huge cross-party support for the Bill, we will soon have candidate gender quotas in national elections.
But will the Bill be amended?  Will quotas be extended for the 2014 local elections? It would make a huge difference if there were gender quotas for selecting candidates in local elections. Legally-required of political parties or voluntarily-entered-into by parties?

But quotas are only one of the changes that matter. Quotas alone will not lead to gender equality in elected office. We need change on many fronts?  We need politicians, pressure groups & support groups making alliances for change?
We need to expect & welcome challengers who do their best to defend the status quo. We’ve heard from Michael McDowell & Joanna Tuffy TD, for example. They’ve clarified their 
opposition gender quotas. In their own way, they may help us promote gender equality?)   

It was a tweet from Claire McGing (member of 50:50 Group, @claire_mcging) on 24 January that alerted me to this 6-step Action Plan.  Ms Ajla Van Heel, Gender Officer OSCE ODIHR presented it  to “How to Elect More Women” Conference on 20 January.

[Pippa Norris & Mona Lena Krook, [Harvard University & Washington University in St Louis, USA] were commissioned by OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions & Human Rights (ODIHR).

Their full report is the “Baseline study for the OSCE/ODIHR Handbook on Measures to Promote Women’s Participation in Political Parties.”

50:50 launches in the North West – Senator Susan O’Keeffe

[Senator Susan O’Keeffe is now Chair of 50:50 North West. This is her report on the recent launch of 50:50 North West]

How great it was to launch 50:50 in Sligo for the North West. It was also great to have such an enthusiastic & interested attendance at the Clarion Hotel. (16 January 2012).
Great to have women linking together from Cork, Dublin, Donegal, Leitrim, Longford & Sligo – all keen to discuss the importance & need for women in political life

All the speakers approached the lack of women in politics & public life from a different stand point. But all came to the same conclusion – that it is undemocratic for representation to be majority male when the population splits 50/50!

I was delighted to keep the promise I made to 50:50 Group last summer to launch a group in North West –  and what a great group it is.

I took the opportunity of the Launch to say that this is the time to encourage more women into public & political life – not that women are better, or men are better,  but that
we are different & have a responsibility to stand together & work together on behalf of our country. We must get up together and seize the moment.

Rosaleen O’Grady
Mayor of Sligo, Rosaleen O’Grady opened the meeting.  She referred to the shortage of women as “democracy unfinished” and “systemic discrimination.

Noirin Clancy
Noirin Clancy, Women into Public Life, chaired the meeting. She stressed how important it is to have the debate –  and to include men & women in that debate.

Fiona Buckley
Co-founder of 50:50, Fiona Buckley travelled from Cork to inspire us about

    • how and why the 5050 Group started
    • how important it is for women to seize the opportunity & challenge.

She also explained the basics about the Gender Quota Bill (Electoral Amendment (Political Funding) Act).  This is due to be introduced in the Seanad on 2 February.
She stressed that the amendment is to put more women on the ballot paper – not to reserve seats for them in the Oireachtas. Ultimately the voters will choose.

Eilish Corcoran
Eilish Corcoran, Women’s Manifesto, talked about how women are “inspired” to do things, to get involved & to change things.  Eilish described how The Women’s Manifesto Project in Longford has changed the way the women involved view politics.

She pointed out that they had learned that “change is hard and it takes time” – but that encouraging women to understand, and get involved in local politics, was satisfying & worthwhile.

Helen Rochford Brennan
Chair of the Western Development Commission, Helen Rochford Brennan told her story about getting involved in public life. She said that women remain under-represented in public life. She stressed that it is up to women to be “the change we wish to see in the world.

Finola Brennan
Finola Brennan, National Collective of Community Based Women’s Network in Donegal, reminded us of the value of women at community level.
She said it is our responsibility to challenge “the boy’s network” at every level – from town council to the Dail – to ensure that women are part of the fabric of decision making.

Niamh Gallagher
Women for Election, funded by Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, was represented by Niamh Gallagher. She talked about how Women for Election aims to equip women in a practical way to take the step into politics – provide training & mentoring to women who have an interest in stepping forward – but are unsure about what a commitment to politics might mean.

Gemma Hussey
Former Senator, TD & Minister for Education, Gemma Hussey officially launched the group.  Gemma said 50:50 groups are setting up nationwide. They are an indication of

The frustration women feel at the vritual exclusion of women from national politics.

Gemma’s been involved with 50:50 since its establishment in 2010. She’s a great advocate of the role of women in political life. She was a founding member of the Women’s Political Association in 1971.

Gemma Hussey fully supports the pending legislation for gender quotas. However, she called on Minister Phil Hogan to extend the quotas to local elections in 2014.  She called on 50:50 to lobby the Minister to that end.

The night ended with a glass of wine and a pledge to work hard.

Note: The legislation on gender quotas is due to be introduced in Seanad Eireann on 2 February 2012 by Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government, Phil Hogan.