Senator Susan O’Keeffe spoke with power & inspiration

  Susan O’Keeffe spoke with a sense of history – as if she was aware her words mattered for the future of Irish women & Irish men…

In our opinion, it is one of the great speeches of modern Irish politics.  Read & savour her text: isn’t it inspiring?

Electoral (Amendment) (Political Funding) Bill
Seanad Éireann  2 February 2012

Failte raibh gach einne agus go speisialta mna na hEireann.
I welcome Minister Hogan to the House & I welcome this legislation – to bring greater transparency to political funding & financing of political parties –  and the promotion of greater gender parity in politics.

I once had the temerity to suggest Charles Haughey was very closely associated with big business & political donations – and I was roundly & soundly abused for that.

I particularly welcome legislation that will level the playing field & end the unhealthy relationship – the golden circles – that have flourished in the past between big business & politics.

I will address the bulk of my remarks to the gender quota aspects of this Bill

Now is the time…
We want to grow up as a country – we want men & women to be represented equally because we are all equal:

We have equal rights
We are equal in terms of population
We are mothers, sisters, daughters & wives
We are teachers, police officers, coaches, bank officials, managers, bosses
Women contribute across society – in the home, in schools, in the community, in hospitals, in voluntary organisations

Yet in the place where key decisions are made – we are absent
We are missing from the place where we should most be…
Missing in numbers where we can contribute, make an impact, make a difference…

Yes. We do operate differently – we have different priorities, different approaches.
We think differently.
We work differently
WE ARE DIFFERENT – and it’s the difference that matters – it’s the difference we want – in public life – in political life
In the Dail, in the Seanad
In Government
In Cabinet

It’s the difference we need.
Because the difference will make a difference
And this difference, this inclusion of women is not emerging through the normal procedures.

We are not making progress…
if it’s 250 or 350 years before it happens
– we can’t afford to wait any longer.

This is an urgent matter because it goes to the core of who we are & how we look after ourselves & country.

There is an invisible quota firmly in place – the one that has always supported, encouraged – and most importantly –
Men to be in politics
Men to be in charge,
Men to be in power,
to take the decisions
And in part we expect that because we look around us, that’s what is reflected back to us…

Where I live in Sligo, we have had Mary Reynolds & Marian Harkin – only 2 women TDs – and now 2 women Senators Imelda Henry and myself

That hardly represents the population of Sligo/Leitrim or Sligo/North Leitrim.
That’s the status quo. What people are used to, what people know, what’s comfortable
People don’t change their banks easily…
they don’t change their religion easily…
they certainly don’t change their politics easily or their voting habits…

And voting for a woman will be difficult for some people, impossible for others perhaps


Of course…
We could say that’s how it is – that’s life – tell that to cancer patients whose lives have been made better by medical & scientific interventions…
We could talk about more women & how important it is & hope it rubs off somehow…
We could try to level the playing field – to say to parties:
Make the effort
Change your attitude
Change the status quo
Welcome women
Support women

And to say to women too:
Make the effort
Change your attitude
Change the status quo

So we have to give this process a push, a kickstart to change our way of thinking, to see that women are not entitled to be involved

We are obliged to be involved.
It is our country. We are all responsible

Of course, this is not a replacement for much-needed wider political reform of the institutions of government. That is necessary – and will take years as reform always does. But that process should & must benefit from the input of women  – so that, at least, the issues of childcare, work patterns & work environment could be addressed by both men & women – and some of those less-family-friendly-policies could be examined & reorganised.

The Scottish Parliament – has a crèche open 8am to
And aims to meet between 9.30 and 5.30 – Tuesday to Thursday

Remember – the only Government in the world – Rwanda – which is predominantly women – outlawed polygamy!

Of course, persuading more women to enter public life & political life will not result directly from this piece of legislation. It is an enabler to encourage the environment to be built where more women will want to come forward because they will know that they can & will get a fairer hearing.

Naturally some women will never choose politics – no more than I would choose to be an actuary or an engineer – I can’t draw a straight line & algebra & I were never friends
Being a public representative is not everybody’s cup of tea.

But this legislation will have a greater impact
because it supported supported by50:50 Group...

– I am proud to say I am a founder member of the North West branch of this lobby group which is now nearly national:  50:50 aims to encourage debate, conversation, discussion & argument about the need for more women in politics.

… and is also supported by a new group called Women for Election which has received funding from Social Entrepreneurs Ireland  to do the very thing many critics say is missing – run workshops, lectures, offer training and mentoring to women who are interested and want to know about a life in politics.

And why did Women for Election go down this route?
– because, when they were lobbying for a Yes vote in the Lisbon Treaty, they encountered many women who were interested in politics, but because they were outside the family/dynastic/party system didn’t know how to get involved
didn’t know if they would be welcome
felt excluded.

These  movements are of women, for women & by women which is not surprising – but crucially – in 21st century
these movements encourage support from men & have received much support from men for these changes. Without that support, this would remain just a law without being rooted in society.

Of course, male support will be well & truly tested – when it involves the realisation that women will not be sitting on men’s knees in either of the Houses of the Oireachtas
– it will mean some men will have to move over!

But those critics of the legislation would do well to remember that society changes slowly over time & there are many pieces to the jigsaw of change…

I – as one woman who believes that 50:50 is the correct form of representation – welcome this legislation.



Gender quotas is one small step

50:50 members from across Ireland, of all generations, will gather today in Seanad Eireann. They will sit proudly in the public gallery to cheer the introduction of the Gender Quotas Bill into the Seanad.

They are there to witness history in the making – as the legislation which proposes to introduce a 30% gender quota for candidates of political parties at General Elections is debated.

Parties that fail to meet the quota of women candidates will face a 50% reduction in their State funding.

God speed the Bill’s journey through the Oireachtas & onto the statute books.

As we take this small but important step towards gender equality in political life, we are reminded that this is an historic day.

As Carol Hunt’s blogpost so eloquently outlines, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the women who have gone before us who have fought for equality of representation.

Today, it is up to us to continue that fight.

We mustn’t be complacent…
the process of lobbying & agitating for real change in our society must continue at every level – local, national & European.

For the quota legislation to be meaningful – and to work – it must be extended to Local Government.  Local politics is often the training ground for national politics – it is where politicians cut their teeth, learn the ropes & build their networks of support.

At local level we will find good female candidates.  There are so many women doing tremendous work for their local communities, day-in-day out.  The National Women’s Council estimates that there are in the region of 22,000 local groups around the country led by women.

To meet the 30% quota, the political parties need to find 170 female candidates.

Last Autumn…
I was in Cork to see 11,000 women partake in the Cork mini-marathon.  The streets were alive with women of every age, colour, class & creed. Every one of those women was wearing a tee-shirt advertising a local cause. They were raising money for local hospitals, local schools, local shelters – that’s politics.

To these women I would say:
turn your local passions into local politics.  Join a political party and get involved.

To the political parties, I would say:
go out and ASK these women to run.

If there was one recurring theme through the recent conference in Dublin Castle on How to Elect More Women it was this: women like to be asked.   Political parties need to do more asking.

For the rest of us…
who believe in an equal society, who believe that our country would benefit from having our laws made by women & men, I would say you have 3 things to do:

–         in your circle of family and friends, ask one woman to run for politics,

–         lobby your local representative to implement quotas at local level

–         join a local branch of the 50:50 Group & get involved.

I have a 6 year old daughter who thinks she can be anything she wants when she grows up.  I have a dream that – when the time comes – she can also include politics on her list.

Edel Clancy is national chair of the 50:50 Group