News Roundup

Here is some intersteing activity from the 5050 group.

Our brilliant cartoonist Danielle Bonner came up with these to help change the culture that politics is for men only.



what do you think




photo (18)

photo (3)

need more women

what do you think

voting at door


They are a fun way of getting the message across that women are half the population and should be half the representation.

Our Chairwoman Noirin was featured in the Sligo Champion – great photo Noirin!

There was also a report issued from the Inter Parliamentary Union which acknowledges how gender parity is achievable within twenty years if present progress is continued.

Unfortunately Fianna Fail don’t seem to have felt the winds of change and relegated their discussion on gender parity to the margins.

We in Cork 5050 are very excited about our Breakfast meeting on the Friday 2nd May in Cork City Hall. We are delighted that Minister Kathleen Lynch has agreed to attend. More news on that shortly…



Question to Enda Kenny

Louise Riordan Chairwoman of Dublin 5050 got to ask Enda Kenny a question in Saturday’s Irish Times (01/03/2014). Her question was:

“Why do you believe we haven’t had a female Taoiseach since the foundation of the State?”

“There’s no reason why not. Since the early days we’ve had Countess Markievicz, we’ve had the first woman to serve as a cabinet minister, we have the first woman to serve as a senior Government Minister dealing with children, we’ve had two women presidents, the Attorney General is a woman, our Chief Justice is a woman. There’s absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t have a female taoiseach. Its a matter for the people to decide that choice when they get the chance. We’ve set targets for all the major parties for the next general election, and they’ll be fined heavily if they don’t measure up. I don’t particularly like gender quotas, but I do like to see more and more women involved in politics. After all, they make up half the population of our country”

…..Did he sidestep the question?