Urgent measures needed!

As we’re all embracing a new fresh start with a new government and a new programme and new reforms I still have a feeling of sameness when I listen to the recent news. The father-figures of Enda and Eamon smiling happily at the photographers promising the country that we will get out of this hole eventually. Although some people have lamented the fact that the proportion of women TDs is still pathetic at 15 percent, there is no real outcry about it either. 85 per cent of the newly elected Dáil is male. Will these men push women’s issues higher up on the political agenda? Childcare, care for people with disabilities and other matters that are often considered too private to concern the general public. I very much doubt that and would love to see that they prove me wrong.

For the sake of her children

Some female politicians withdraw from the public life because of their children but independent candidate Mary Fitzgibbon in Tralee is entering politics for the very reasons that she has young children. She is a lecturer in nursing and health care studies and has put her name forward in order to be able to say to her children and future grand-children that she tried to do something!