Dynamic fearless people – by Deirdre O’Halloran

by Deirdre O’HalloranChair Cork branch of The 50:50 Group…

When asked to offer my immediate reaction to last Thursday’s historic Seanad debate on gender quotas, my first thoughts turned to those people who have campaigned tirelessly for this important legislative change.

Many such as Gemma Hussey, Monica Barnes, Mary Henry & Yvonne Galligan have been campaigning for more than 30 years on this issue.

Our own group has campaigned tirelessly on the issue for over 12 months now.

This campaign would not have withstood the test of time without dynamic fearless people, empowered by each other, to lead & manage other like-minded people towards change.

I sat in my seat in the Seanad gallery, peppering with excitement & anticipation, surrounded by fearless women & men, all dedicated to an overall objective of achieving equal representation in Irish political life.

I listened to the members of the Seanad who supported us so strongly & I thought “gosh, the hard work and dedication is paying off”! 

I do not use the word ‘fearless’ lightly.  I see how fear stifles creativity, but last Thursday we saw creativity & strength of character moving together in a progressive manner.

We have “the profound knowledge” (Deming:1950) that is needed to make the move to equality.  I continue to campaign happily.

Join us:
If in or near Cork area, and would like to join The 50:50 Group, please email me at  deirdre@5050-group.com or tweet @foley62 for more information.

Louise Riordan, Chair Galway branch of 50:50 Group

By Louise Riordan

On Thursday 2nd February 2012 legislation proposing gender quotas in Irish politics was first debated in the Seanad.

A year on from founding Galway branch of The 50:50 Group, I feel we have come a long way, but this is only the beginning!

There is still a lot of opposition & misunderstanding when it comes to the issue of gender quotas.

Those proposed for Ireland are candidate selection quotas aimed at increasing the number of women candidates on the ballot sheet.  This will provide greater choice for electors when it comes to voting for their preferred candidate.

Contrary to opponents of gender quotas (who view them as undemocratic) this measure will advance the cause of democracy by levelling the ‘party selection’ playing pitch to ensure women appear on the ballot paper.

Following last Thursday’s Seanad debate, a photograph was taken of many members & supporters of The 50:50 Group.  Seeing the photo I was struck by smiling faces & looks of optimism.  This photograph captures an historic moment for women & men in Ireland, a turning point, towards the achievement of true gender equality in political representation.

Men & women can bring different things to the table. It is not a case of better or worse; it is simply a case of looking at things in another way.

Last Thursday was just the beginning of a journey… 
The 50:50 Group are looking for alternatives, to change the status quo. We need more voices, followers, opinion changers, leaders, optimists & realists to support us & lend their strengths to this cause.

Joining The50:50Group:
If you are interested in joining/supporting the 50:50 Group, please email the5050group@gmail.com.

If you are near Galway… 
please Email me at  Louise@5050-group.com or

Tweet @laoiselou for more information.